<aside> ☑️ The MouthPad^ is suitable for people over the age of 18 who have sufficient tongue dexterity, good oral health, and no longterm dental or orthodontic treatments. Users must also have the physical ability to open their mouth wide enough for an intraoral scan. Please read below for more information about these requirements.


😮 Mouth Opening Range

Each MouthPad^ is customized to your mouth using intraoral 3D scanning, done by our local partners or your dentist. This scan is similar to those taken for night guards or aligners. The process requires you to open your mouth wide enough for a wand-type scanner to navigate inside — here is a sample photo of the process. To check your jaw range at home, see if you can open your mouth about the width of a ping-pong ball. If you're unsure, email us at [email protected] for assistance before purchasing.

👅 Tongue Dexterity

Good tongue coordination is needed to control the cursor and perform gestures on the MouthPad^. A simple test is to touch each of your teeth with your tongue. For a more challenging test, try drawing a circle, an X, and a triangle on the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. If you can do this, you’ll be able to use the MouthPad^. Unfortunately, our device is not currently suitable for people with macroglossia, which may interfere with tongue detection.

To test your tongue dexterity, try drawing shapes on the roof of your mouth in the region shown above.

To test your tongue dexterity, try drawing shapes on the roof of your mouth in the region shown above.

🪥 Oral Health Maintenance

Good oral hygiene is crucial before and during use of the MouthPad^. Plaque and tartar buildup can affect your 3D scan, and pre-existing cavities can worsen with prolonged use of a retainer-like device. Before getting your MouthPad^ scan, please ensure you’ve had a dental cleaning and exam within the past six months and plan to have regular checkups. (An oral exam may indicate dental work that would need to be completed before getting your MouthPad^ scan.)

🦷 No Ongoing Treatments

The MouthPad^ should not be used during orthodontic treatments or long-term dental care. Please wait until all in-mouth treatments are finished before ordering.

Special screening

Individuals with the following conditions will need to undergo special screening with our team to verify the MouthPad^ will be effective for them:

We apologize, but our device is currently not suitable for individuals with cerebral palsy or macroglossia. We hope to improve our technology in order to offer a meaningful solution for these conditions soon.

The MouthPad^ is not a medical device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. It is designed for hands-free computer interactions and is not a substitute for any bodily function. The MouthPad^ does not control or support medical devices, nor does it serve any oral health purposes.